Ingria Pratama Capitalindo

Limitless Dream Living
Best Subsidized Housing in Indonesia

Principles and Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance (GCG) is a key factor in supporting the integrity and efficiency of a company. It reflects the pattern of relationships among Management, Stakeholders, and Shareholders. Therefore, the Company implements good Corporate Governance not only to comply with applicable regulations but also as a crucial element in conducting business to sustain growth, enhance corporate value, and improve operational efficiency. The Company continues to adhere to the 5 principles of Corporate Governance from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD): Transparency, Accountability, Responsibility, Independence, and Equality; as further detailed below:


1. Transparency

The principle of Transparency entails the Company's commitment to openness and willingness to provide clear information to shareholders and stakeholders. To maintain objectivity in its operations, the Company presents Financial Reports, information for investors, and other relevant materials on the company's website, namely:, facilitating access for shareholders, stakeholders, and the public. Additionally, this information is documented in the Company's Annual Report. All information is communicated in a timely, sufficient, accurate, and clear manner.


2. Accountability

This second principle highlights the responsibility of the Company's management towards shareholders and stakeholders regarding the objectivity, strategies, and achievements of the Company. Accountability is essential to maintain consistency in performing duties. It also requires management to provide reports on all business activities and decisions of the Company, especially in financial administration, to the Board of Directors, shareholders, and relevant parties. Management must also disclose objectives that have not been achieved along with the reasons for such outcomes.


3. Responsibility

This principle demonstrates the Company Management's compliance with applicable laws and regulations. It is implemented through various seminars and workshops for employees at all levels. This ensures equal opportunities for development within the Company. Additionally, the Company also upholds its responsibility as a good citizen towards environmental sustainability, community welfare, and healthy living.


4. Independence

The principle of Independence refers to the Company's actions in managing its business professionally without conflicts of interest and influences or pressures from external parties that contradict laws and regulations. This signifies that every decision made by the Company is objective, considering various aspects but free from third-party pressures.


5. Equality

In this principle, Management is required to provide fairness to all shareholders, whether large or small, and ensure that they and stakeholders have equal rights. Therefore, the Company always provides equal opportunity in voting during the General Meeting of Shareholders (RUPS). Additionally, the Company offers equal opportunities to all stakeholders by organizing regular training sessions, seminars, and workshops for employees at all levels.