Ingria Pratama Capitalindo

Limitless Dream Living
Best Subsidized Housing in Indonesia

Company Overview

The company envisions becoming an integrated developer in the property business committed to delivering optimal value to customers, business partners, shareholders, and society. It aims to be the number one subsidized property developer in Indonesia.

As part of its commitment to providing quality, integrated, and innovative property housing for the community, the company continuously enhances human resource competencies, leverages cutting-edge information technology, and expands its network. The company's excellence in constructing comfortable, healthy, and secure residences strengthens its growth as a leading property developer in Indonesia. Emphasizing principles of quality, integrity, and collaborative product development, the company remains the preferred choice for individuals seeking enhanced quality of life.

The company's journey began in 2013 with a focus on construction, initially earning trust from the government to undertake projects such as low-cost apartment complexes. Building on this construction experience, in 2015, the company started its first housing development in Cimalaka, Sumedang Regency. This housing project was driven by the company's desire to provide affordable housing while maintaining quality standards, including the construction of carports and wider roads.

Due to its achievements, the company received full attention from PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero), Tbk (BTN) as a banking partner for development and credit distribution for the company's housing projects. As a result, in the following years, the company expanded its business to various regions in Indonesia, including Tangerang Regency, Bekasi Regency, Bandung Regency, and even in 2019, the company extended its business presence to Samarinda City, East Kalimantan.


To become an integrated developer in the property and construction services business committed to delivering optimal value to customers, business partners, shareholders, and society.


  1. The company overcomes competition in the property and construction services industry by offering a more modern and unique approach in retail, commercial, and residential management systems.

  2. Focus on rapid capital turnover with the concept of "fast churn."

  3. Implementing an integrated business model with capabilities in property development and management.

Company Cultural Values (5S)

  • Space

    Understanding the scope and business limitations.

  • Sustainable

    Sustainability involves three aspects: the environment, the needs of the current generation, and the future generation.

  • Speed

    A solid team completing projects promptly according to targets while maintaining quality, of course.

  • Scale

    Improving capabilities by distributing workload evenly among all available resources, thus fostering collaboration within each team.

  • Social

    In conducting its activities, the company bases its decisions not solely on economic aspects such as profit or dividends, but also considers social and environmental impacts.